Friday, July 19, 2013

Night in a Tree

Last month, Debby surprised me with a gift: a night in a tree. No, it wasn't punishment; she joined me there. The property is near Fall City. There were a few steps involved, but we had no problem.
There was a creek behind the property that provided a relaxing respite.
There were three other couples that happened to be treed with us. We met them in the lodge, first in the evening for a fire and marshmallows, then next morning for breakfast. Our bathroom was in the lodge as well; no pee in the tree. It was a unique and relaxing experience.

On the way home, we stopped by the falls and met a photographer who had been watching the peregrine falcons that nest on the cliffs on the far side. He set up his powerful finder scope and allowed us to view a mother and her fledgeling sitting in trees. What large, beautiful raptors, the world's fastest animal. National Geographic measured one dive at 322km/hr.

What a nice getaway.

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