About This Blog

I began this as a one-size-fits-all blog, but realized that a blog should have an intended audience and much of what I write about is aimed at people with different interests. Of course my audience is mainly me, so this is surely specious thinking. But one can always get lucky and gain an audience if one hangs around long enough online.

This blog, now renamed Slices of Life, is dedicated to miscellaneous ramblings of an experiential nature, mainly of interest to family and friends. Being experiential, posts can be allowed to disappear into the vast past-post continuum, just as life's experiences themselves vanish into the past.

My longer prose, with hopefully a longer shelf-life, is on another site: Areas of Interest. I also have a specific subject site, The Original Lotus Elan, and a Photo Gallery, mostly for the birds (which Google deleted when they abandoned PicasaWeb - Bad Google!). I hope to recreate it at some free, non-Google site some day.

My other blogs are on wordpress. I moved there mainly to take advantage of a server-side Latex renderer that enables writing about things mathematical. Also, being a non-Google site, wordpress does not seem to represent such a threat to my personal data security (how naive am I?).

Since this blog presents a lot of pictures, and since Blogspot does full-screen slide shows of pictures in a post (just expand the window to full screen then click on a photo), I find this is the best site for Slices of Life. I do enforce some personal privacy here by using only first names and initials.

A blog is after all a log, a document about a physical life and a dynamic point of view. To make these logs of value, I will endeavor to write random notes frequently without repeating myself, a good trick at my stage of life.