Sunday, June 30, 2013

June Pond

The pond transforms in summer. Most species left by April. Mallards and Canada geese are finishing with their broods and the summer patchiness of pond scum gives a new look, an acquired taste.
Fish, species unknown, have been spotted, about 8" long I'd guess. As we watched, one of a group of four suddenly shot up and bit the foot of a mallard sitting on the surface. The duck squawked and flew a foot or two before resuming its nap.

We have a bullfrog that serenades day after day. Fortunately, it is not too loud inside, so sleep is not disturbed.

A group of four or more swifts came a couple of weeks ago and were here for several days, constantly flitting from seemingly nowhere to our blue spruce, then back out in an endless looping. Never did get a good look at one before they left.

Today a great blue heron swooped in and dipped its feet in the pond, then at the sight of the big meanie coming its way, swooped off again down the pond.

 For anyone needing some additional interest in their lives, we recommend they adopt a pond somewhere.

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